3 Xbox video games just got special Oreo-themed skins

Brad Stephenson

Xbox Oreo skins in Halo Infinite video game

Microsoft, this month, is collaborating with Oreo to release limited edition Xbox-themed Oreo cookies in 22 European countries.

The Oreo cookies are being made with cookie designs showing the Xbox logo, the ABXY controller buttons, and the D-pad directional arrow. All cookies within a pack can be rearranged to form a code which can then be entered on the official Oreo Xbox website. If entered correctly, correct codes will unlock Oreo-themed skins in Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5, or Sea of Thieves and can also reward participants with a variety of real-world prizes ranging from Game Pass subscriptions and Xbox consoles to an actual trip for an entire family.

Xbox Oreo cookies. Image credit: Microsoft
Xbox Oreo cookies. Image credit: Microsoft

This isn’t the first time Microsoft has collaborated with Oreo. Back in 2019, the tech giant released an Xbox One X console with an Oreo cream-inspired skin.