Windows 11 Insider Beta Channel gets new builds 22621.1755 and 22624.1755 with fixes

Kip Kniskern

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Microsoft released a new set of builds to the Beta Channel today, bumping the build numbers up to 22621.1755 (new features off by default) and 22624.1755 (new features on by default), although there are no new features this round.

Fixed in 22624.1755 is a crash in Settings “when attempting to uninstall an app while using grid view,” and an issue with the Pinyin IME’s insert button.

Both versions of the build receive a fix for a race condition in LAPS, the Windows Local Administrator Password Solution.

There are a couple of known issues, including some issues with the Bing button in the search box taking a long time to settle in after a computer restart, and placeholders appearing for widgets in the widgets board for a 2 column layout even if your machine supports three columns.