So long Microsoft Teams Free (classic)

Kevin Okemwa

Microsoft Teams

At the beginning of this year, we reported that Microsoft Teams Free (classic) is slated to reach its end of support date on April 12. And as it happens, today marks that date. After which Microsoft will completely cut its support for the classic Teams version.

If you’re dependent on Teams and use it on a regular basis, you’ll need to act fast to avoid any inconveniences. You might consider transitioning to Microsoft Teams (free). However, it’s worth noting that you’ll not be able to make the move with all your data.

If you’d like to keep all your data and files for future reference or record keeping, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid tier. There are a couple of options at your disposal.

First, you can either upgrade to the Microsoft 365 Business Basic tier which will cost you $6/month. Alternatively, you can opt for the Teams Essentials plan which goes for $4/month.

However, if you don’t mind losing all your data and starting afresh then Microsoft Teams (free) is your best bet. Have you transitioned to Microsoft Teams (free)? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.